This course is for the realtors of today. I’m here to help you learn how to become a multi-earning realtor, mass-produce, and mass-earn during these current times.


Your time is money. By creating multiple streams of income that complement each other, you can create time-earning capabilities and make your efforts in any endeavor increase your success in all your endeavors.

Your Journey To Success and Financial Independence Starts Now

Course Curriculum

What You Also Get When You Sign Up

✅ 1 free coaching hour session on zoom with me

✅ 50% off the regular price for your coaching session for Realtors

Who Am I Telling You These?

Hi there! I'm Stedman Esene

Licensed REALTOR® with years of experience in real estate and extensive background in property management.

Focuses on helping you find the best option to benefit you long-term. Handles obstacles as they come up to minimize your stress.

Draws upon background in business and expert negotiation skills to help you secure the best deal possible.

Upholding the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and timeliness.

Proudly serving Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas!